Friday, January 11, 2008

Student Run, Teacher Chase

On my desk next to me sits a grand pile of at least 400 worksheet sets to be marked. Half of them are two-paged. And they are not multiple choice questions. They are open ended questions with alot alot words.


And you cannot imagine how much effort I took in order to get these 400 worksheet sets to torture myself over the weekend to mark to help my students improve. I nag during lessons, I nag during recess, I nag after school. Until I nag until cannot nag, ask those with outstanding assignements undone to stay back after school.

To my absolute surprise, when I arrived at those classrooms, majority of the culprits had already escaped. And I reached only 5 minutes after the bell rang.

Next time must park myself outside 5 mins before the bell ring.

I even went all the way to the basketball court to catch them. But the court so pack and so many students, I din recognise any faces. Me being me, dun give a damn. Dun care whether my students or not my students. So I let loose my once-a-parade-commander-many-years-ago voice, with a extremely pissed off face.

I raged across two basketball courts.

"Those from (insert class), (insert class) and (insert class), you better get yourself over here now."

They were all so stunned that all of them froze. Basketballs flew everywhere into the bushes. I almost laughed.

Next Monday.

Next Monday I will get the remaining culprits and whack them left right up down centre.

Then hang upside down outside the school date.

Watch the New Paper for the Teacher Who Tortured His Students.


Anonymous said...

Waa your once-a-parade-commander and also formermly in the army voice. So got aura of fear wor. hahah, wanna hear how SCARY it is.

have fun sleeping on the 400X2 pages of words. think will make a v nice pillow/soft thing to lie on.

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The Blabbering Me said...
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The Blabbering Me said...

dt: of cos its scary. no thanks though, I hav soft cotton pillows at home.

I'm extremely flattered:). But you seem to be putting this comment down in quite alot of blogs?