Friday, January 18, 2008

Knight Me

Did not manage to blog yesterday because I had three straight hours of lesson followed by two straight hours of marking and rounded off by four straight hours of private tuition.

That day, I mentioned to a friend that I should be knighted for my sacrifices to the Singapore education system. You know, knight. Those type where you ask someone to move a silver sword up and down your head. Like call me Sir.

He looked at me as if I've gone mad, before proceeding to release a continuous burst of maniac laughter.

When he managed to calm down 5 mins later, he thanked me for making his day.

Wa Lau

PS: Since my free joke of the day keeps the expensive money sucking family doctor away from you, I shall demand some consultation fee from you the next time we meet. Watch Out.


Anonymous said...

Another successful business model after teddy bear holidays from Sir Blabber. What are you gonna jump into next?

The Blabbering Me said...

If I'm so good at business models, I would have been rich a long long time ago!